Friday, 29 November 2013


NEOBUX Earning Strategies..... ...
Welcome to the Earning Strategies section complete with NEOBUX Strategies. With proper account management and activity, you can end up earning lots of money. Just remember that it takes time, so be patient. These are not get rich fast websites, but it will help you earn money in the long run.

There are many different strategies out there, all you have to do is find one that works for you. Below are several strategies that you can use. Use and adjust it the way that it will suit and work out for you.

The Zero Investment Strategy (Free) [NEOBUX]....

  1. Register and create an account. 
  2. signup here [ NeoBux ]
  3. Click all of your ads everyday and keep an eye out for extra ads.
  4. Earn $2.00 through clicking your ads everyday.
  5. Transfer the money from your main balance to your rental balance.
  6. Rent a pack of 3 referrals.
  7. Turn on AutoPay.
  8. Maintain your referrals and recycle the ones that have an average below 2 or haven't clicked in 2-3 days.
  9. Buy more referrals when you can(This is every 7 days as a standard member).
  10. Do NOT cash out any of the money that you gain in your main balance as this is used for buying more referrals and maintaining them.
  11. As soon as your 30 days is up, start recruiting Direct referrals.
  12. Once you reach 500 rented referrals, stop renting anymore referrals and just maintain the ones that you have. That means recycle the bad clickers and keep an average of 2 at least.
  13. Build up your money to about $100 and then upgrade to Golden.
  14. Once you get Golden membership, keep renting more referrals and maintaining them. Once you hit 1250 referrals, you can stop renting referrals and just maintain them and start to cash out your money.

Big Money Strategy (Requires Investment) [NEOBUX]....
  1. Register and create an account. 
  2. signup here [ NeoBux]
  3. Click all of your ads everyday and every once in a while there will be extra ads for you to click.
  4. Rent 100 referrals, this will cost you $25.
  5. Meet the minimum standards so you can upgrade to Golden(Rent at least twice/50 clicks credited/Be a member at least 15 days).
  6. Before you go golden, you should have rented another 100 referrals for $25 and that puts you at 200 referrals and you should be golden soon.
  7. Buy golden for $90.
  8. Keep renting 100 pack referrals and clicking.
  9. As soon as your 30 days is up, start recruiting Direct referrals.
  10. Be sure that you maintain an average of 1 in order to make profit.
  11. Once you reach 100 clicks credited, pay $890 to upgrade to Ultimate.
  12. Buy 300 packs of rented referrals and keep doing this until you reach 4000 referrals.
  13. Be sure to maintain your referrals and keep AutoPay on. If you do not have AutoPay on, extend your referrals for 90 days which will give you a 20% discount.
  14. Slowly cash out your money every week and you should get your investment back in around 3 months.
  15. After that, everything is pure profit for you and an Ultimate with 4000 referrals can make over $500/month profit.

Extra Tips.....
  •  Always set your  referrals click average between 1.3 _ 1.8 .
  • Recycle referrals who have not clicked in 7 days.
  • Never ever recycle a Golden referral, use the LOCK icon in your referral list to lock him down. You can tell if it is Golden because it will have a higher than normal AVG and click 9 ads per day.
  • Don't forget to click everyday, otherwise you will not be credited for your referral clicks the next day.
  • When you have a good amount of referrals, 1250 for Golden and 4000+ for Ultimate, you can slowly cash out the money.
  • There are also plenty of other people's strategies on the onBux/NeoBux forums. You can take a look at it since those people have been very successful using those strategies. You just have to find one that works out for you.

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